Saturday, December 21, 2019

Autobiographies Made by the Waiting Wives by Donna...

Understanding the hardships and difficulties of a military wife is a difficult thing to do; however, Donna Moreau brings the readers to a sense of sympathy that helps them grasp the emotions the women and families go through while their husbands/fathers are at war in a completely different country. In the series of autobiographies made by the â€Å"Waiting Wives,†(Moreau, 2) their stories are shared with us, to show their desperate hopes that their loved ones return home safely. Moreau being a military daughter, her diction and emotions that she felt for herself, are expressed within the other stories so the reader can pick up on her experiences through others. She tells her story through the lines of other women. Through the stories of 5†¦show more content†¦It was the only base ever to be set aside for the wives and children of soldiers assigned to Vietnam. Moreau being the daughter of a waiting wife gives her the knowledge to show how the other women felt. The women there did nothing more than sit here and wait patiently with smile on their face - for that is all they could do (Unknown, OverDrive) It is almost as if they were helpless. Moreau shows us the society in which these women were at their helpless state, they could not stand up for themselves and that is one of the main ideas Moreau is trying to portray throughout - WOMEN CAN DO IT. Her being a young women at the time is proof! Even though the women feel like giving in, it shows the endurance and dedication to their husbands to know that they will return home better than ever. While the men were away fighting at war, the women and children were at home fighting their own emotional war. It was not a front composed of battl e plans and bullets (Loman). Their enemies were fear, loneliness, lack of information, and the slow tick of time. All they could do was wait while they were on the homefront. While Moreau shares her mothers experience in the introduction, a women by the name of Jo shares hers. Jo is one of those people who can not give up. Throughout her waiting time she never once said her husband was dead - even though he was almost a year late returning with no phone letters or anyway ofShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesLibrary How Charismatic Am I? 382 Self-Assessment Library Am I an Ethical Leader? 386 An Ethical Choice Do Leaders Have a Responsibility to Protect Followers? 388 Myth or Science? â€Å"Power Helps Leaders Perform Better† 392 Point/Counterpoint Heroes Are Made, Not Born 398 Questions for Review 399 Experiential Exercise What Is a Leader? 399 Ethical Dilemma Undercover Leaders 399 Case Incident 1 Leadership Mettle Forged in Battle 400 Case Incident 2 Leadership Factories 400 13 Power and Politics

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